Abha gandhi biography

Mahatma gandhi family now

Mahatma Gandhi with Manuben (Right) and Abha She is one of the most recognised faces in Indian history, always by Mahatma Gandhi's side as his "walking stick" in his last two years.

abha gandhi biography

What happened to manu and abha

Prabhavati, Kanchan Sahh, Sushila Nayar and Manu Gandhi formed a part of his entourage at various points in time.

Mahatma gandhi family tree

Abha, the young wife of Kanu Gandhi, grandson of the Mahatma's cousin, and Manu, the granddaughter of another cousin, accompanied him; he leaned his forearms on their shoulders.

Leela gandhi
Yet, Mridula Gandhi, or Manuben as she is widely known, died a lonely spinster at the age of 40 in Delhi.