Dawn of the dead 1978 zombie biography

Dawn of the dead (1978 mall)

Noted for its satirical portrayal of consumerism, Dawn of the Dead has received widespread critical acclaim since its initial release, and is widely considered to be one of the greatest horror films ever made, as well as the greatest zombie film.
dawn of the dead 1978 zombie biography

Dawn of the dead 1978 vs 2004

Dawn of the Dead (also known as George A. Romero's Dawn of the Dead) is a American independent horror film, written and directed by George A. Romero.

Dawn of the dead (1978 trailer)

Dawn of the Dead (also known as Zombi internationally) is a Zombie film, written and directed by George A. Romero.

Dawn of the living dead
The subtext (we, the working class, are, or could be, the zombies) is spirited though unsubtle, and the film is remembered by most for its violent, well-choreographed action.