Rabbi yosef karo biography of michaels

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Joseph ben Ephraim Karo, also spelled Yosef Caro, or Qaro (Hebrew: יוסף קארו; – March 24, , 13 Nisan A.M.), was a prominent Sephardic Jewish rabbi renowned as the author of the last great codification of Jewish law, the Beit Yosef, and its popular analogue, the Shulhan Arukh.
rabbi yosef karo biography of michaels

Rabbi yosef karo biography of michaels

The Beit Yosef, written as a voluminous commentary to an earlier code, the Tur, was Joseph Karo's attempt to codify all of Jewish law.

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Rabbi Joseph ben Ephraim Caro made Jewish law (halacha) available to the masses.

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Rabbi Karo was recognized as the preeminent authority for all Sephardic Jewry worldwide, and was deeply respected by Ashkenazi Jews as well who, on several occasions, .