Ottavio quattrocchi biography definition

Bofors scandal

Ottavio Quattrocchi ( – 13 July ) was an Italian businessman who was being sought until early in India for criminal charges for acting as a conduit for bribes in the Bofors scandal.
ottavio quattrocchi biography definition

Ottavio quattrocchi article talk

Ottavio Quattrocchi ( – 13 July ) was an Italian businessman who was being sought until early in India for criminal charges for acting as a conduit for bribes in Missing: definition.

Ab bofors

Ottavio Quattrocchi was the India representative of Snamprogetti, a Milan-based Italian multinational company involved in engineering and construction projects.

Quattrocchi meaning
Last week, Ottavio Quattrocchi, who for decades was in India as the representative of Italy’s Snam Progetti industrial conglomerate, passed away.