Oskar schindler biography portuguese

Where was oskar schindler born

Oskar Schindler (Svitavy, 28 de abril de – Hildesheim, 9 de outubro de ) foi um industrial alemão sudeto, membro do Partido Nazista e espião, que salvou da morte judeus durante o Holocausto, [1] empregando-os nas suas fábricas de esmaltes e munições, localizadas nas actuais Polónia e República See more.
oskar schindler biography portuguese

Oskar schindler net worth at death

Oskar Schindler was a German businessman who saved over a thousand Jews during the Holocaust by employing them in his factories.

Interesting facts about oskar schindler

Oskar Schindler’s life and actions reveal the complexity of wartime morality, where lines between good and evil blur, and individuals face unprecedented ethical choices.
Was oskar schindler a good person
Português - Brasil (Portuguese-Brazil) русский (Russian) Ludmilla Page recalls arriving in Auschwitz instead of Oskar Schindler's munitions factory in.