Ondes martenot jacques brel biography
Jacques Brel | Biography, Songs, & Facts | Britannica
The ondes Martenot or ondes musicales ("musical waves") is an early electronic musical instrument.
Ondes martenot jacques brel biography
Today, the future of the ondes Martenot is secure, not only in classical music, but in popular music, where it can be heard in the musical arrangements of artists from Jacques Brel to Yves .
Jacques brel biography en francais
House Band accompanied the artists, and was made up of keyboards, strings, woodwind, brass, guitar, saxophone, ondes martenot, percussion and harp.
Ondes Martenot - Wikipedia
Brel was one of the first popular singers to use the instrument known as the "ondes martenot" in his songs and it was an important part of the special feeling of this song.