Omotani omotayo biography of mahatma

Biography of mahatma gandhi

Mahatma Gandhi, the Father of the Nation, was an anti-colonial nationalist who embraced non-violence as a tool to attain freedom for his motherland.
omotani omotayo biography of mahatma

Omotani omotayo biography of mahatma

It was during his first year back in India that Gandhi was given the honorary title of Mahatma ("Great Soul").

Omotani omotayo biography of mahatma gandhi

Mahatma Gandhi was a spiritual and political leader who helped free India from British rule through nonviolent resistance.

Mahatma Gandhi Biography
This book is an inspiring life of Shri Vishnudas Udasi, popularly known as Sreeman Tapaswiji Maharaj, who lived for years from to , written by his disciple T.S Anantha Murthy.