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Ivica prokic death
Braco biographer Angelika Whitecliff relates that when Ivica Prokic drowned when he was caught up by a “rogue wave” during a trip with his protege to South Africa, “Braco’s gift .
How did ivica prokic dierks
"After the Great Tragedy"–Braco met a man named Ivica Prokic in , whose work to help people through his extraordinary gifts changed Braco's life forever.
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Utopio se u Južnoafričkoj Republici na plaži Santa Lucia, a njegovi sljedbenici vjeruju da ga je val odnio prema Suncu, nakon čega je Ivica postao dio kozmičke energije, a njegovu misiju .
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Braco’s Wikipedia page at one point stated that Prokic’s body was found, and had “multiple gashes in the lower abdomen.” At least, this is the story as told by Braco himself, .