Biography of hindu saints of india

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Brief Information about some of the most noteworthy Gurus and Saints of Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism and Hinduism is given below - Shankaracharya - Adi Shankara ( C.E.), along .
biography of hindu saints of india

Famous hindu saints

This is a list of religious people in Hinduism, including gurus, sants, monks, yogis and spiritual masters.

Famous spiritual gurus in india

Biographies of saints in Indian history serve as vital records documenting the lives and contributions of revered spiritual figures.

List of of india spiritual gurus
Hindu saints have come from many walks of life including the blind (Bhima Bhoi, Surdas, and Tulsidas [5]), orphaned (Andal, [6] Kabir [7]), former criminals (Kaladutaka, Valmiki) and .