Abner biography doubleday

When was abner doubleday born

Abner Doubleday (June 26, – January 26, ) was a career United States Army officer and Union major general in the American Civil War. He fired the first shot in defense of Fort Sumter, the opening battle of the war, and had a pivotal role in the early fighting at the Battle of Gettysburg.
abner biography doubleday

When did abner doubleday die

Abner Doubleday In , a commission headed by Al Spalding wrongly credited Doubleday with inventing the game of baseball in in Cooperstown, New York in Doubleday was actually .

How old was abner doubleday when he invented baseball

Abner Doubleday () was a U.S. military officer who served as a Union general during the Civil War ().

Fun facts about abner doubleday
Abner Doubleday June 26, – January 26, Abner Doubleday, born one of three sons to Ulysses and Hester Doubleday on June 26, , in Ballston Spa, New York, was schooled at Auburn and Cooperstown, New York.